From the Pastor's Pen
The time has come' the walrus said, 'to talk of many things: of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax - of cabbages - and kings.'
So says Tweedledee in Alice Through The Looking Glass.
Like Tweedledee, there are so many things to say and so little time left to say them. If you have not yet heard, my family and I will be leaving County Line Baptist Church after August 15 in response to the call of a church in Maryland.
With the national tenure of pastors about 3 or 4 years, 12 years of ministry in one church is a significant investment. We have grown together, prayed together, laughed and wept together, and made some God-sized decisions together. I have married and buried, dedicated new babies, baptized new Christians, watched Christians grow up, and sweated alongside you in ministry. There have been joys and sorrows, ups and downs, but in faith we have endured the journey well.
My family and I leave with heavy hearts. Caroline County has been our home, with many friends.
Transition and change are always hard. Moving is considered one of the top three or four most stressful experiences in life. We are packing and picking up our roots. There is uncertainty about what the future holds for us. Yet, we know God's purpose is bigger than us all. We are only a part of it. Somehow God can transplant our roots into another community and church without any withering up with the change.
Dave Weinbaum wrote, "The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings." Beginnings always follow endings. Our life journey is taking a sharp turn. There are other bridges that must be crossed. We are believing God's best for us lay in ending what is and making new beginnings.
God has been nudging us in the last several months toward a new assignment. While not understanding or knowing all the details, we accept God's assignment. We trust God, not the details. He has promised us His remarkable presence and provision.
Madonna sings a popular song that is entitled, 'The Power of Goodbye!' This phrase from that song sums it up so well - 'The best is yet to be - the end and the beginning of the matter!'
So, for those of you who have been faithful readers of this web page, thank you. Continue to trust God. Realize your potential. God has so much more in store for each of us if we will continue obediently faithful.
My thanks to Garret Lewis who has generously provided this space to me each month.
Remember us for our love, our service, and our contribution.
Updated January 17, 2002